Modern Slavery Act Statement (FY2023/24)

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes TwinStream’s modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2024.

This statement provides background to our organisation and our supply chains, and sets out the steps we have taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our organisation or any of our supply chains.

Our Organisational Structure, Our Business and Our Supply Chains

TwinStream is a provider of Cyber Security solutions and services to the UK government. Having been established in 2019 by 5 co-founders (all still Director-Shareholders), we presently employ roughly 30 permanent members of staff, and also engage the services of around 45 specialist contractors who collectively deliver the IT solutions to our clients. We currently operate a flat organisational structure, with each employee reporting to one of the Directors.

TwinStream has business relationships with software vendors, recruiters and administrative support organisations predominantly in the UK, but also within Europe, the USA and Australia. The software industry sector is considered “lower risk” owing to the highly-skilled nature of the work not lending itself well to forced or bonded labour. Furthermore, all our suppliers are based in regions that are subject to anti-slavery legislation at an equivalent level to that in the UK.

Policies, Principles and Training

TwinStream does not tolerate slavery or human trafficking within its business and takes a risk-based approach to managing its supply chains. TwinStream supports the enactment and enforcement of human trafficking laws that recognise and protect victims while holding traffickers accountable.

Each TwinStream employee is mandated to annually review our training material on the subject, which both helps them identify the signs and informs them on how to react if they encounter a suspected incidence of slavery and human trafficking.

Due Diligence Across Our Supply Chains

Before entering into commercial relationships with suppliers, TwinStream undertakes due diligence to confirm that they have their own policies and working practices that demonstrate their zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking.